What a day to start? Started with a little offset with the alarm, made me to arrive a litter later at work. But it went on well till the moment I paused and thought during the cam-whoring session we carried out. This is the last day for the bunch of wackiness and fun! Hard to see them leaving since they have been with my department for 8 months. But it’s time for us, from PQA to bid them farewell.
So here we go a little tribute to them who have been most influential in my career life since the day one they stepped to SONY!

My all-time-trainee-best-buddy, Zati Hanani! Movie-buddy, makan-buddy and a true friend!

Gossip centre, Syaza! Glass-inspector and Complaint box!

And my favourite work mate when I was working in night shift! Very helpful and bubbly Nadiah!

So long for now, but our friendship will remain. I am not sure about others, but I am sure I will miss you three the most!