Often encountered by most of us, we will come to a forked road of making up a right option to take down the road to travel. Given right from education, life, work or even relationship, it’s always choice of your preference comes in hand. But how can you deliberate the correct one so that you don’t regret taking it?
I always find myself at the dilemma of choice needed to be deduced. The phobic of regretting it always taunt me. But deep down inside I know I need to make the choice. Sometimes, one just follow their heart in making the decision and some just settle on the option after weighing all the pros and cons in the alternative given.
I always have been a guy that follows my heart in whatever I do. There is no point of lying to your own self so I chose to do my own verdict and prepare myself to face the consequences of the path taken. Apparently, it has been a smooth sailing to write it down, but to endure it, I had to gain my faith and boost my confidence level.
For some, the choice to be taken is an easy task, but for many it is still a big task that raises so many question marks above their head. For instance, choice of choosing someone in life as the counter-part, easy as it sound, but when you really think about it, there is a lot of opportunity risk that you need to settle down. You can get promises of sky and the moon from alternative A but little you may know that this might be white lies and those in alternative B might be the actual one who doesn’t give you any sort of hope but yet be with you through the thick and thin. This is just a simple example that can make one think but habitually the white lies is taken for granted and to your amaze regrets slides in later!
Whatever it may take, you always have to pause a little longer, think and find the best solution out of the answers in front of you. And always, there is never been an easy way out cause it probably gives you myriads of unwanted incidents. Always know what your heart says. My advice put your heart and mind to work simultaneously and you will be amazed that the path taken is a rough one but not a lament one.
Choice is yours so don’t make something that will make you regret later!
Even currently, I am still thinking on something that I need to decide. Choices are there but liability is holding me back! Why I have to endure this? Big question mark still can’t be erased, and I am still living with it! I will prevail and triumph, and my confidence is my biggest strength so far! Godspeed!