I have been many times remarked that I supposedly have been doing some other field of studies then the one I actually did. Some of it is like, creative design, mass communication, marketing and the best of all is PSYCHOLOGY! Why it is so is still a big question mark, but probably by years I have learnt loads about human behavioral and how to deal with it. But one thing for sure is that, I should be thanking GOD and those who were directly and indirectly taught me on the lifetime-experience plus the first-hand-savvy on human’s tantrums and how to react to it.
Apparently I am 24 years old in age, but those experiences I went through is too much that I act as if I am in my forties at times. (Recalling a funny statement given by my best friend on the need of changing his birth certificate on the father’s name to be mine) Many times I realize that people having so much hypocrisy to please others. Baffling as it is, but this is the ultimate truth. Everyone nowadays, knows how to play their cards well that it may appear very genuine smile, but behind those smiles lays a big unknown truth. When reading between these lines, some people may wonder on the circumstances they went through being someone who they are not. Why lie to yourself if you don’t like the being? Why you have to wear a fake smile when you are actually grumbling?
Apparently this hypocrisy, leads to grudges being held on and brought forward in accumulation. This will steer to a breakdown. Eventually this all has limit, and one fine day, this chip of your shoulder will be poured out with loads of rage and frustration. Try solving the differences from time to time, and you may see that it’s better to get hurt now than later. Being sincere with what you feel and talk, is important. Of course, at odd times this doesn’t apply much, but still, the sincerity could help from emotional-catastrophic-breakdown!
Being good is okay, but being too good is bad. This is where people start making use of you and taking you granted. Why you need a situation as such that you will end up holding rancor due to some scenario you have to face being ‘very good’ when you are not?! Enigmatic to explain, but this is what happens most of the time.
My advice is to be true to you and whoever you deal with, you can make a difference!
Let go the grudges and fly-free without burdens and all the wreck on your shoulders!
Food for Mind: Russell Peter said in one of his jest with a Chinese Slang, “Be a man…Do the right thing!”