Day in and day out, I always think I am lucky to have what I have around me. Of course, at times I do lament over things that I don’t get, but deep in me, I know for truth, that I am happy the way I am. Look at those who suffers from loads of factors surround them like those war victims and also those who born in poverty. It’s a shocking scenario to know that in the world, there are about 11 million children of the age below 5 dies in a year. Compare them with what we have with us now; don’t you feel you are lucky enough? Gosh, it sure rings a bell for me.
My close buddy always complaints to me that I grudge much on myself and the happenings around me. Perhaps I was blind folded by my own high expectation on something that is way too much than I should have. And now I recall on my best buddy’s theory; Keep your expectation low, anything extra is a bonus. It sounds intriguing and childish but that the ultimate truth that everyone should practise!
We should always thank Him for giving us what we have with us now. Stop being plaintive and start appreciating the God abundance that He bestowed on us. When you start to value everything around you, then I am sure you would get the little ‘bonuses’ that you should get. So from to-date onwards, STOP lamenting, and START appreciating what you have. Peace out!
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