Blogging from my desk at Sony makes me wonder again and again, how life shifts so fast that you find it’s unbelievable on what you are going through in life. It feels like just yesterday I step out of my secondary school life to campus life. But in a brisk of time, campus life ended and I have been working for the past 5 months.
The pace of life never waits for us; apparently it gets faster than normal that it makes us choke for breath. Guess that, this is life and it doesn’t really show mercy on those who is not making an effort to keep track with it. I recall my friend quoted about life in his facebook status, enjoy life before it gets jealous of us. So immature it may sound, but trust me or not, it sure rings and alarm!
Stop lamenting about life, and start enjoying every bit of it. Causes don’t walk while everyone else is running. Remember, time is always ticking away, and it doesn’t wait for us at all.
The pace of life never waits for us; apparently it gets faster than normal that it makes us choke for breath. Guess that, this is life and it doesn’t really show mercy on those who is not making an effort to keep track with it. I recall my friend quoted about life in his facebook status, enjoy life before it gets jealous of us. So immature it may sound, but trust me or not, it sure rings and alarm!
Stop lamenting about life, and start enjoying every bit of it. Causes don’t walk while everyone else is running. Remember, time is always ticking away, and it doesn’t wait for us at all.
p/s: Rajanen, thanks for the quote which made me write this entry!
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