Finally after I have settled down, I could find a little sufficient time for me to keep my blog page active. For the moment I could say that the ideas and blurt of the mind is flowing in a superior surge! Involve in a corporate world with so scores of people functioning, makes me learn about life and pattern of its current. Yes, I am involved in many scenarios of office politics and scandals.
When I was in my studentship life, all I know is I watch movies and soap-operas that show this similar motive circumstances in their production. But now, I know for real how it works exceptionally fine. This is what I rate the best first-hand-experience. What I do is I stop, look on how stuff works and I learn before I finally practice it. So let me explain the meaning of office affairs in my own words and my own understanding.
When I was in my studentship life, all I know is I watch movies and soap-operas that show this similar motive circumstances in their production. But now, I know for real how it works exceptionally fine. This is what I rate the best first-hand-experience. What I do is I stop, look on how stuff works and I learn before I finally practice it. So let me explain the meaning of office affairs in my own words and my own understanding.
What do I mean by office politics?
This word itself explains that in an organization there is an affair that will guide us through out our service. To get good reviews you should be a hypocrite. I always wanted to be true to my way of working, but since I have been working, I learn that I should be hypocrite half of the time. Eulogize rules here! If you don’t know how to praise, then you stay at the bottom. Is this way is acceptable? For what I know, this no place for being a follower of ‘Dalai-Lama’; Truth only prevails. The formula to climb the corporate ladder is that you extol more on your supervisor on their toil. I observed, I learn and I utilize.
Now how about office scandals?
Alright, this is a word which is not only a phenomenon in corporate world but its becoming more communal. Dominos of life is not complete without scandals. And in this office set-up gossips will never dry out. I have observed a few on my own that it’s a routine fad. Explanation sought for but all in vain. Life scenario I went through, Ms. A goes out with Mr. B when Ms. A is married and the husband Mr. C is working in the same organization. Mr. B is a single man, and Mr. C is courting out with another girl. It’s complicated isn’t it? For all I know, this is only like 2% of the scandal that I am looking at on first hand. Why such an infidelity happens? Baffled as always!
As for now, I have learnt that nothing will stop from continuity. Scandals and office politics is inter-related element in part and parcel of career world. When it will stop? It’s still a big question mark! Deduction of the day, acclaim the person above you and you will secure hassle free career advancement, and ignore those scandals at workplace, instead enjoying listening and looking at one.
As for now, I have learnt that nothing will stop from continuity. Scandals and office politics is inter-related element in part and parcel of career world. When it will stop? It’s still a big question mark! Deduction of the day, acclaim the person above you and you will secure hassle free career advancement, and ignore those scandals at workplace, instead enjoying listening and looking at one.
p/s: This is from my past working experience. Now, its all different!
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