Accounted few times in reading I have done this vastly but surely growing topic has been something that I observed for the past one year of me being a career guy. I have worked in few different environments for the past one year and encountered many incidents in this working world.
Let me brief you through with the Office Chaos that I went through.
My first step of career world started in a construction company in quite small town. Biggest problem with the company is the management and how they manage it. Surprising as it is, there is no proper way of management and I was simply multi-tasking the job of a receptionist, accountant and also an engineer. Result is unknown! Why? It's a pandemonium environment! I end up leaving the job and stay at home. (Seems to be being unemployed is less troublesome rather than being in a mayhem environment! .)
After a month of unemployment, I went on with a better engineering job than the first one at one MNC company. Everything is good here in terms of management but what spoils it, is the colleague there! I was like being placed in Mars. Not being discriminative but I was placed among Chinese speaking Chinese. To my dismay I was the one and only non-Chinese around! Result is being unemployed after four days at work, because I was having mental torture of not speaking to anyone around. (Again I feel it's better to stop the mental torture rather than changing into wacko)
Next stop is a total different field of work than my qualification. Provided with my communication skill I bagged the work of being a Lecturer cum Trainer at another MNC company. Giving training on management courses was not an easy task but I enjoyed doing it. But I end up resigning from the job for the top management attitude of not meeting the deadlines properly and being a pain for all the employees! (Long story on the employer, and loads of personal matter involved! Damn he!)
And now currently I am again in a MNC company and I constantly find myself in a dilemma of higher management constantly engaging in power clash! (Almost like Clash of the Titans) Supervisor A gives work to Supervisor B's team and keep on pestering for work to be done, and leaving the Supervisor's A team left without any work. Supervisor B tries to take revenge and bring up the matter and there you go, a grouping unofficially! Team Pro-A and Team Pro-B! Guess that it's a never ending story!
For some it may be very normal and lame scenario day in and day out! But for those who is going to step their foot to working world, Welcome to the Who Will Survive Here reality game show! Hypocrisy is the trick to win the game! Play your cards well and I am sure you will be liked by everyone.
p / s: No particular people is been pin-point but as long as there is office politics there will be bedlam!
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