Monday, June 21, 2010
Typical Parents!

Will it Be?
All I wanted to do now is take a real good time off, and reminisce on all I have done and come back as a fresh person, but it’s not something possible for what I am facing right now. Getaway is far-fetched, and seems to be something in la-la land. Anyhow, as my best friend always says, we have to find time not the other way around. Keeping my finger crossed for a better horizon tomorrow. Will it be?

PDA still a Taboo??

I was attracted to an incident recently happened when I was out with a bunch of my friends. A couple was there in the bunch of fun people. Making it sweet, they came with themed clothing and they look handsomely adorable. All the while, this both people were like guiding and giving eye contact from time to time to each other. She advices him at odd times and he being very protective towards her is a very normal scenario I enjoyed looking at.
But how many of us are actually comfortable in Public Display of Affection (PDA)?
PDA is a big NO in some people’s dictionary, but what I have observed and what I uphold, controlled PDA in life is essential.
But, why?
Deduced from my own research over the years, this PDA has actually made the bond tighter and this people have been more than ever loving each other. It’s an unspoken oath been taken again and again by two hearts which is trussed with love. Again, this PDA is not only for lovers but whoever you love ranging from family members and even friends.

As for me, I have always given a warm hug to most of my friend and acquaintances when I am actually bidding a farewell. I think this is a way that say, ‘don’t worry, all is well and take care’. All three concerns in just one act of embracing each other to make sure these concerns are transmitted unutterably. For some this might be an act of weirdness, but that’s for lame and vague people. Start appreciating people around you, and give them a hug whenever possible and you can see how a small act of PDA could change someone’s life!
p/s: I hail to UNITEN students, for having the ‘hugging-day’ that everyone goes around hugging each other to spread the love!=) I miss UNITEN campus life though!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Phase Change

So from now onwards, I need to train myself to juggle the task of being a good employee and a good student. And as the saying goes, to gain something you have to lose something. I won’t be able to rest properly since I need to study on my leisure time, so not much fun activity and travelling till I am done with my undergraduate studies.