Friday, October 14, 2011

Knock Back to Senses!!!

Gosh!! Why am I doing this all over again? Vows overruled and ignorance has become my middle name! Well lucky me, I have great friends who gave me a knock on my senses and asked me to start what i really love doing;


So from now on, expect my notification more on your mail boxes and keep heads up for interactive postings. So start pouring in the ideas and I will start blogging like how I use to blog!

p/s: 'Aishah pal, thanks once again for the advice to start blogging again!!


Aysha Razali said...

thanxx again for giving me a reason to stalk! Well, I missed u loads, I HAD to do s.thing about it rite?

At least this will be a platform to make sure we'll always know bout each other no matter how busy we are ;)

And remember,no matter how screwed up u are, I'll always be there to kick you back to ur senses, owite!

Aysha Razali said...

owh, u need ideas, huh? maybe u can start with me..or us :P let walk waaaayyyyyyy down 6 yrs memory lane..

naaah, or maybe u can write bout ur job perspective currently?

Sanjay George Daniel said...

sounds good to me! let me see what i can start writing again yeah! miss ya loads also pal!!!