It has been my way of writing entries the way I think and what I feel about life, and here we go again; something regarding life and how it changed in a matter of years. Well life reallocation as I always talk, is something that still makes me pin-drop silent every time I think about it. It feels like just yesterday I came out of my secondary school that now; I am merely an engineer that walks in to work place to do my exertion.
Well life has really changed from day one. If I re-walk the life I went through, it is full with loads of confrontation which is still fresh in my memory. I rejoice those happy moments and I make the bad one to be my guru in learning about life.
Apparently, I was engrossed to write this entry while I was taking my dinner with my group of friends. The way we are and the matter we spoke every added year is different and unique in its own way. Let me give a real life scenario I went through so far.
Scenario 1
This I reminisce back into year 1996, when I was in my standard 4. I still remember the group of friends I was sitting and talking. It was Zaki, Hafiz Azmi, Chandru, Gobinath, Sarah Syahida, Muna Farhana and Nanda Kumari, the people that I hang out with the most. The topic we usually discuss is about cartoons, games that we need to start playing and a little bit of school related matters. And it’s always been some story that is more fun and less serious.
Scenario 2

Walking down year 2002, and this is back in my secondary years. I was in form 4. The group of friends that I hang out would be good friends. Shuhadah Basaharuddin, Norhaniza Shukor, Siti Sarah, Rajiv Pushpanathan, Janager, Thina, Ng Kheng Aik, Ooi Chyn Suang and few others. Content of our speech would be study-related material and also a little bit of gossip and normal life talk.
Scenario 3
Coming to recent year of 2007 and this is during my college life. Group of friends that I always hang out with Harnesh Gill, Rajpal Sandhu, Harish Hariraj, Rajanen Jeya Balan and the modus of our speech will be regarding lectures, test, gossips, life and obscenity! Content of our speech, is more serious and less fun.
Scenario 4
Recent days and this is closely related to our career life. Friends that I hang out with are those who are very close with me since college days; Nirmala Devi, Harnesh Gill, Rajpal Sandhu, Harish Hariraj, Mekala Devi, Rajanen Jeya Balan and Uthayashankar. Pretty easy as it is, what we talk is mainly related to work, politics and upbringing of our career and life. And of course the general topics as well. A well balanced conversation with a combination of seriousness, fun and obscenity will always be practiced each time we meet.
Can you see the clear cut of the topic we talk as our age grows? Maturity level increases and the content of our verbal communication get more enhanced. It doesn’t mean that those years of us ‘wasted’ on talking unnecessarily is not needed, indeed it’s vital to let our mentality to adapt and nurtures better day by day. Life reallocation takes place everyday with much perseverance. Let it happen and adapt to it sooner than normal and everything that occurs will be smooth sailing ahead.
Life never stops from running in a loop. And each day is new playground for us to discover and learn. Indeed life is the greatest guru for every each of us, so never stop living it to the fullest cause you never wanted to stumble one day and feels that you have missed some portion of life. Be yourself and enjoy every inch of life!
P/s: For those names that I din mention in this entry, you are not forgotten! Love you all buddies!