Many times I came across of love stories of my friend and how their fantasy-world started just with a stare then a mere smile to start a conversation which will lead to a great date and a happily ever after marriage. In my case, it happened but always gets stuck in the midst of blossoming. Funny is the perfect word to describe how people can mistake infatuation with love and friendship with flirts.
Today, I was taken aback when my good buddy suddenly out of blues gave me two situations to answer. The scenario to answer was like a déjà-vu for me due to my experience on this matter. So let me walk you through the scenario and the answer I gave!
Beep... beep! My phone’s message tone went on, and there it was a message from my close buddy.
1st SMS/ Scenario 1: Can I ask you something, just wanted to know what a guy things la. You see this girl that you like down the hallway. She is walking in the opposite direction towards you la. You then make an eye contact and smile at her. She smiles back at you. After both of you pass-by each other, would you turn and look? And why do you do that? If that girl does not turn and look, what impression would you have?
After asking the permission to answer this question a bit later, I ponder what actually I would do (in this case what I did before once upon a time). So I replied as what I did and what should a guy do.
My reply: I would definitely turn and look at her, only after I shout mutely. I would turn because she is THE girl that I like. Then if she didn’t turn back I would still be happy for the moments that she smiled and tell myself two possible rationales of the happening.
1. She smiles because I smiled at her. She isn’t egoistic after all!
2. Damn, the guy that going to end up with the girl, going to be lucky!
2. Damn, the guy that going to end up with the girl, going to be lucky!
After minutes passed by, another message came from my buddy, giving me a tricky and tough situation to handle!
2nd SMS/ Scenario 2: Okay. So if that girl turns and looks? How would you take it? As a green light to approach her?
Being the vigilant person, I replied promptly.
My reply again: Probably not approach her yet. Just the next ‘pass-by moment’ I would chip in ‘hi there...’ Green light is only presumed is she greets back and stops to talk to me. After all Rome wasn’t built in one day, so do relationship!
She was convinced and I am still sceptical who is actually giving her the hints! All the lucks for her and the flirting process! Anyways, if you were at that circumstances what would you do, to tackle this situation? At least my friend will get some guidelines on what she should think and so on so forth!
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