‘Walking-down-memory-lane’ is always been a habit of mine since young age. I indulge in my past and thank God for every moment I spend on this humanity. Life stages have been walked appropriately and I could not be more gratitude from what I am now. There have been few folks who have always been my backbone in my achievements and standings now. Indirectly this entry is meant for you all; absolutely this is the wonders in my life which I treasure always as days pass by. You all have been God given reward for me, which surely I will never ever forget in life! Thanks for all those wonderful moments that will be rejoiced and cherished!

The Perfect Love Factory; My Family

The Mirror-Image-of-Me; Harnesh Gill

The shoulder to cry on; Nirmala Devi Vengadasalam

The No-Problem Guy; Rajanen Jeya Balan

No-Claptrap Man; Harresh Kasivisvanathan

Happy Bunch; School-Mates
Straightforward Woman; Rowathy Kandasamy
Frenzy-Horde; College-Mates

Gorgeous Ladies; Gurmin Pander & Sheetal Walia

Fabulous Four, Miss you all a lot!

Mr. All-Is-Well; Prajindra Sankar

The Great Buddy; Rajpal Sandhu

Blissful Juniors of mine; Miss them all! Thanesh, Thayabaran & Sujendran
The Perfect Strangers; Anil Vincent Joseph & Sutharshanan

A wide smile for all the days I went through.
P/s: There is another bunch of people who I didn’t enclose here but have done tremendous job in being in the part and parcel of my life. ‘Thank you’ is just a small word for the assistance and guidance handed on.
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