Friday, November 19, 2010
Out of Ideas!
Friday, October 08, 2010
Why Lie When You Can’t?
Person B walks to Person A and ask for a favour, where Person A has already hand’s full of work pending piled up on his desk. But due to a strong friendship, Person A commits to Person B’s request. There are only two way this situation going to end-up, either Person B gets forsaken by Person A by not turning up or the Person A executes with the request and face the consequences of the work on-hold.
Well rhetorically speaking, why need to lie and commit when you can’t? Why there is a need to please others when you can’t even please yourself? Weird to say, but most of us settles for the second alternative on the above situation. Why such?
Apparently this time I am engrossed to share with all what I learnt from my ex-boss very much relating to this entry’s title. I was shocked when the statement was made but I remember loud and clear, he said “Sanjay, practise saying no by saying yes!” Being a naive guy, I giggled but after some proper explanation and examples given I actually paused, conferring a proper thought about it just to realise that it was a lot easier to practise it that way. By using this method you actually would be able to voice your standings and go-on without any discomfort feelings carried out by any parties before and afterwards.

Many would crack their head on how possible is this? But just carefully examine the example below as given to me back then, sure you will see the difference in the mood change and how people will react to it.
Person A: Buddy, can you please finish up this report for me?
Person B: Yes of course, but not now, let me be done with my readings and i will get back to you.
Can you feel the mood change when you reply this way, rather than the bold NO for a favour? A blunt NO portrays negative vibes but when you say no by saying yes, you give a different perspective to the listener on the other end. Positive vibes created immediately. They would understand that you are willing to help but you are currently loaded with a lot of chores. Often, one will come across such situation, so when you actually face this circumstance, try saying no by saying yes. It is all about giving a positive attitude to your negative counters and in a way with the fine vibes you emanate, people will feel easy to deal with you.
Procrastination never been easy task, but we can simplify the difficulties in it. There are many ways to curb this problem of saying a big NO but try saying yes to say the NO. Eventually you’ll know and feel that its a lot easier to associate with. Try now! Why wait?
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Be a Man...Do the Right Thing!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Question Mark??

Often encountered by most of us, we will come to a forked road of making up a right option to take down the road to travel. Given right from education, life, work or even relationship, it’s always choice of your preference comes in hand. But how can you deliberate the correct one so that you don’t regret taking it?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Random Entry!
So start re-planning, because you ain’t had much time! Just a random entry with weird genre of understanding!

Friday, July 09, 2010
And the Award Goes To....

Monday, June 21, 2010
Typical Parents!
Will it Be?
All I wanted to do now is take a real good time off, and reminisce on all I have done and come back as a fresh person, but it’s not something possible for what I am facing right now. Getaway is far-fetched, and seems to be something in la-la land. Anyhow, as my best friend always says, we have to find time not the other way around. Keeping my finger crossed for a better horizon tomorrow. Will it be?

PDA still a Taboo??

I was attracted to an incident recently happened when I was out with a bunch of my friends. A couple was there in the bunch of fun people. Making it sweet, they came with themed clothing and they look handsomely adorable. All the while, this both people were like guiding and giving eye contact from time to time to each other. She advices him at odd times and he being very protective towards her is a very normal scenario I enjoyed looking at.
But how many of us are actually comfortable in Public Display of Affection (PDA)?
PDA is a big NO in some people’s dictionary, but what I have observed and what I uphold, controlled PDA in life is essential.
But, why?
Deduced from my own research over the years, this PDA has actually made the bond tighter and this people have been more than ever loving each other. It’s an unspoken oath been taken again and again by two hearts which is trussed with love. Again, this PDA is not only for lovers but whoever you love ranging from family members and even friends.

As for me, I have always given a warm hug to most of my friend and acquaintances when I am actually bidding a farewell. I think this is a way that say, ‘don’t worry, all is well and take care’. All three concerns in just one act of embracing each other to make sure these concerns are transmitted unutterably. For some this might be an act of weirdness, but that’s for lame and vague people. Start appreciating people around you, and give them a hug whenever possible and you can see how a small act of PDA could change someone’s life!
p/s: I hail to UNITEN students, for having the ‘hugging-day’ that everyone goes around hugging each other to spread the love!=) I miss UNITEN campus life though!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Phase Change

So from now onwards, I need to train myself to juggle the task of being a good employee and a good student. And as the saying goes, to gain something you have to lose something. I won’t be able to rest properly since I need to study on my leisure time, so not much fun activity and travelling till I am done with my undergraduate studies.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Office Chaos.

After a month of unemployment, I went on with a better engineering job than the first one at one MNC company. Everything is good here in terms of management but what spoils it, is the colleague there! I was like being placed in Mars. Not being discriminative but I was placed among Chinese speaking Chinese. To my dismay I was the one and only non-Chinese around! Result is being unemployed after four days at work, because I was having mental torture of not speaking to anyone around. (Again I feel it's better to stop the mental torture rather than changing into wacko)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
~Glee and Bliss~

Apparently, from what I know contentment is very subjective! There is no exact measurement for joy, but it’s all about how one accepts the bliss that shines upon them. As for me, I think my life is full with glee and I am always delighted with what I have in life! Of course, there will be complaints arise at times, but its matter of getting over with the phase.
At times I do ponder and get myself stuck with all those sad moments that I went through. Those were the days that taught me a lot of impossible to become more possible and I manage to get through all the obstacles with much faith on the Three-Lettered-Guy and personas around me. During my bad times, I am sure that I will get the support that I need from my family and friends. Never once I was left alone in the process of me to be a better man.
I always thank God for giving me such a loving family and also understanding friends. Life itself has been my greatest guru and I always cherish the moments that I go through. We can’t guarantee a smooth sailing in an open sea, but as long as you can, you wish that you have the sufficient strength and also the courage to overcome the impediments ahead.
Probably it’s time for me to thank those wonderful people in my life as I am happy to be with them and I have never failed to make those people comprehend that I appreciate their presence in the part and parcel of my life. Indeed, God do answers to prayers said, and it’s a proven scenario in my life. Love the friends that I have around and also my family who has been my backbone for who I am today.
I am what I am today, is all because of all of you!
Friday, April 09, 2010
Smooth sailing is what usually a captain of a boat wishes for, but journey made is not easy since there are rough waters to beat down the calm waters! Tidal waves keep on hitting the one lonely boat that sails in the middle of nowhere! The boat lost its balance and everything goes haywire. The captain is held only to his faith to maneuver the boat back to the calmness it was travelling, but since this is not the first tidal wave hits the boat, the captain losses his patience. Patience is virtue but in this case patience has been a big thing to settle down with. What happens next is still a big question mark, but as long as I know, the captain needs to survive. I know he will!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Controversial but Comprehendible!

What? Sex? Oh my, we are not allowed to speak this in public? No way I am going to speak about this? Are you nuts?
These are some of the mockery that people use every time the topic is being raised. But why is it so? I am still vague on this. Of all I know, since small I have known the topic sex or even talking about sexual agendas has been a taboo in Malaysia! Lame as it may sound, the more people hide it, the more will be self-revealed!
As we are moving towards the technology era, I think, this isn’t becoming anymore forbidden-state of topic to be discussed. Sexuality is becoming more and more hard stuff to decide for. I have seen many incidents, or come to hear about people having hard time to reveal their self. Let’s not talk about the western culture, but being in Malaysia, I have seen vast incidents related to the topic being discussed here.
Homosexual (this includes gays, lesbians and bisexuals) and Transgender is a daily scene nowadays. Seriously speaking, I have nothing against them and I don’t discriminate people for their choice and preference in life. But for some, this clan has been a disgrace for the society. As far as I know, this people never had harmed anyone in particular. Apparently, due to normal people like us, they had to hide the true identity and live in hypocrisy. My sympathy goes to them who still need to hide in their closet on their sexuality.
The media, especially some movies produced nowadays to bring this back-alley-society to the day light just to show them that its okay to be what they are. For instance, the movie broke back mountain showcases two guys passionately kisses each other had been a controversial movie yet. (I came to know the existence of the movie in one of the publication of The Star two months ago). Besides that, the production of Bollywood and Kollywood has been venturing into bringing this people out of the closets in their recent production of Dostana and also Goa. Salute to those producers who dare enough to produce the life of this people and make us together laugh rather than getting disgusted with it.
When actually Malaysians can be really open towards sexuality and sex related topic? After such a big fuss over sex education at school, apparently it is been getting positive comments on its relatedness to educating people regarding sex. This sex education reminds me of incident back when I was in secondary school, where form three science is the first step of learning on reproductive system. All my male classmates took the initiative of approaching our science teacher, Ms. Salmah to ask question related to sex! Being a mother of 4 sons, she took a deep breath and said its time for her to learn how to adapt to this kind of question and started explaining for each question being asked. Kudos to her, for taking a big leap and come out of her comfort zone and teach us.
Its time for all this to be a normal thing in our daily routine and chores but don’t get the picture wrong. I didn’t mean that this is something that everyone should practice but just give a look on what is actually happening around us. These people who have had sexuality problem needs attention to be given not being peculated about. After all they are also human and they have feelings. Stop discriminating and let’s not cross the borders of their path. As I always say, Love all Serve all!
p/s: Controversial topic as I said, and I speculate there will be a lot of speculation regarding the topic and also the writer itself! As I said, its still a taboo to talk about this and the person who talks about this get labeled! Sigh!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Any suggestions needed at your Office??
Innocent Integrity

Being brought up in a very harmony sort of neighbourhood has been a great teacher for me. I still miss my old neighbourhood where all the races sit together under the mango tree just to eat unripe mango with ‘kuah-cecah’ (local delight which is similar to mayonnaise-dip) is a norm scenario. I grew up in a very ‘muhibbah’ condition where my neighbours were mostly Malays. I have learnt and adapted myself with loads of Malay’s culture. For your dismay, I even went to a Surau/Madrasah for my kindergarten. I learnt how to write in Jawi and also said ‘doa makan’ before getting my hands on the mouth-watering nasi lemak!
Growing up in my neighbourhood was a great experience where I cherish and rejoice all the moments till now. During Chinese New Year I use to follow the Lion Dance Troop around my neighbourhood as well as I light up loads of ‘Tanglongs’ (lanterns) during the Moon Cake Festival. Additional to the above scenario, I used to light up ‘Aagal Vilakku’ (oil lamp) during the Deepavali Festival. All this has been a common picture in my neighbourhood.
But recently since I started my alma-mater years and continue my stay here at Metropolitan city, I hardly see this kind of togetherness. I do see some so called togetherness of people coming together for some other reason which doesn’t seems to be holding up with the urge of government for the plan of 1Malaysia. Everything seems to be online nowadays! Kids nowadays seems to be spending more time playing online games rather than keeping up the old traditional games such as ‘batu sambut’, ‘congkak’, ‘aci-ligan/kejar-kejar’, ‘sepak takraw’ and ‘toi’. Teenagers at the present time seem to be hooked up with online applications and deal everything online. For instance, if you go to any Old Town White Coffee near your area, you can see adolescence surfing online for facebook, application games and online dating. So how can we achieve the togetherness with such scenario’s existence? I am not asking for a full-stop for all this but let’s reminisce about past games, and make it a habit at least to attempt those games. You might be surprised that you may hook up with those games!

Government have done a lot to bring the togetherness in our life as Malaysian! Right from day one, we all are thought of living in a harmony life of many races staying together at one neighbourhood. Let’s not make the small issue to be the ‘firewall’ for break of 1Malaysia’s target! Think twice before executing any actions! Live life to the fullest! Befriend more people from all races and you can see difference in you! Love all Serve All!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
No ideas are pouring into the worksheet!
Blank again!
The only thing running in my mind is WORK…and more WORK!!
Need a perfect getaway soon!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Jonker Fame!
So who is up to this plan? Please raise your hand!!
p/s: Anil Vincent showed us this, and Rajanen was about to go in, when I knock some senses on him and persuaded them to mamaks!=p
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Safety down the Drain!

I am keeping my fingers crossed! And people out there, be extra vigilant, not towards H1N1 only but extra chary with the happenings around you! God bless everyone!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Perfect Strangers with Perfect Love Story!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Green Light or It’s Just a False Alarm??

2. Damn, the guy that going to end up with the girl, going to be lucky!
Monday, January 04, 2010
Reminiscing the Times of Yore!

The Perfect Love Factory; My Family

The Mirror-Image-of-Me; Harnesh Gill

The shoulder to cry on; Nirmala Devi Vengadasalam

No-Claptrap Man; Harresh Kasivisvanathan

Straightforward Woman; Rowathy Kandasamy
Frenzy-Horde; College-Mates

Gorgeous Ladies; Gurmin Pander & Sheetal Walia

Fabulous Four, Miss you all a lot!

Mr. All-Is-Well; Prajindra Sankar

The Great Buddy; Rajpal Sandhu

Blissful Juniors of mine; Miss them all! Thanesh, Thayabaran & Sujendran
The Perfect Strangers; Anil Vincent Joseph & Sutharshanan

A wide smile for all the days I went through.
P/s: There is another bunch of people who I didn’t enclose here but have done tremendous job in being in the part and parcel of my life. ‘Thank you’ is just a small word for the assistance and guidance handed on.