Friday, October 14, 2011

Knock Back to Senses!!!

Gosh!! Why am I doing this all over again? Vows overruled and ignorance has become my middle name! Well lucky me, I have great friends who gave me a knock on my senses and asked me to start what i really love doing;


So from now on, expect my notification more on your mail boxes and keep heads up for interactive postings. So start pouring in the ideas and I will start blogging like how I use to blog!

p/s: 'Aishah pal, thanks once again for the advice to start blogging again!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Do you want it? *Rated H &18SG*

A father came back home one day after purchasing a lie detecting robot. Every time a person lies the robot will slap them. So the father put the robot to the test with his son while the mother is around. Conversation goes……

Father: Son, where were you before you reach home?

Son: At school. Why dad?

Robot slapped the son!

Dad: Tell me now, where were you exactly?

Son: I was at the cinema.

Dad: What movie you were watching?

Son: Toy story 3!

Robot slaps again!

Son: Sorry dad, it was an adult movie!

Dad: Son, when I was your age, I didn’t watch any adult movie!

Robot slaps dad!!

The best part of the story is what happens after that….

Mom: No wonder hubby, I can see where it comes from. He is your son, that’s why!!

Robot slaps mom!!!

And I went on laughing like a mad guy alone in the car, making people on the other cars in the massive jammed up road to look at me like I am some sort of a lunatic guy!

Phat Phabes you are damn cool! Thanks for making my day!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Negative to Positive~~Is it possible??

Every each time people criticize you, whether it’s positive or negative, your mood swings to it latterly to the mode of receiving it. Often encountered, people start frowning for the negative comments given. But does this person realize that every negative comment delivered, it actually moulds them to be someone better. Changing the criticism into positive vibe isn’t easy but if you manage to do it, the outcome of it will be jaw-dropping one.

I recalled my friend gloomed the other day that he was criticized for what he did, but after some advices given to him by few of us, he finally manage to get out the phase of being shattered-self-esteem and prevailing from it to be much more stronger. Yes! It does give an impact, but it is how you train your mindset and also yourself in receiving those pessimistic comments.

Why you need to be puckered when you can actually triumph from it?

All it takes is simple practice, think and act. Don’t just simply receive comments and blindly act towards it. Why should you always be pessimistic for a downbeat comment? Take it always in an upbeat manner and also constructively. Cos as the saying says, every negative comment will make you a better person if you manage to take it constructively!

One recommendation, to those who feels the world is against them just for few comments given, think that they are actually making you a better person and they felt the peril of you being so good in what you are doing. So be more open towards comments since you may never know which comment going to make you reach the tip of the pyramid! So start taking things positively!

Pax Vobiscum!

Malaysia, My Land….Tanah Air Ku!

Distance is quantitative measure. This is what I learnt from one of my good friend. Technology has been very much helpful in bringing those who’s in overseas land closer. Apparently I was looking for a topic to pick for my entry, my friend jested and told that why don’t you write about life in different country from my point of view. And here I am typing this entry out.

It always has been my dream to either study or work in overseas land, and thank God I was given a chance of being in a different country altogether for work purpose. Even though it was a short period of time, but I had the nick of my time making my dream come true. Travelling from one point to another without knowing the exact location and also the feeling of the land is not ours. It was thrilling, but in that short period of time, I realized how things around us can change. I had to be on my own looking for the direction, figuring out the correct route or the fasted route to be at work. An experience of its own kind I am sure.

I had a chance to have few words and exchange of opinions to few of my best friends who is living in abroad cities now. One in Dublin and the other two who is in Newcastle; according to them life has been totally shifted in a different pace and they are still in the longing-ness of coming back to own country. Being abroad seems to be easy but when you endure it, you just feel like wanted to run back home. At least this is how people feel in the first few weeks before they really can settle down with the environment and happenings around them.

No doubt, Malaysia has been a country with many ups and downs either in politics and economy, but at the end of the road you will appreciate the country you born in more than ever. When I was abroad, just after 3 days being there, I felt like there is no place like our own soil. The sovereignty to our country can only be realized if you are no longer in it.

All the changes that we go through when we are in abroad cities will make us feel like no place like home. Cravings for sumptuous dishes in Malaysia are no match. Even if you could find the same food it won’t be as good as it should be. I had many complaints when I was in overseas. Right from the regulations around and people around me, nonetheless I manage to survive the whole period of time being there and I do look forward for more experience of being on other soil to get to know better of that place I am and also to further plant the love for our country.

One advice I can give those who are in a land overseas, cherish and rejoice every moment spend there! It can be as difficult as tying your stomach to save some extra cash, difficulty to converse and get the proper directions, but every single minute you endure what you go through you will definitely make you a stronger person. When you grow older, this tale will be the bedtime story for your kids. So buddies out there, have fun. I know you all missing Malaysia a bunch, so do this country misses you! Till then just chill and cheers!

Saastra Rubanee, my bestie in Dublin!

Janasya and Jolini who is happily having great time in Newcastle!

Missing you three buddies! Have fun there! Don't forget us back home!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Twist of Fashion!

Of all you see, fashion and ladies is inseparable, and guys just like the other day prefer to be ubersexual laid back person with no much anticipation of being presentable. But guess what, Adam’s clan has turned a new leaf! More importance given on the appearance nowadays because as the saying goes, first impression always counts!

So let me introduce the latest trend and trend-setting clan, where office wear is no more the lame one but added with accessories and more outgoing look. The cardigan; varies from a long sleeve to sleeveless cardigan, it has been the latest additional in the wardrobe. As for me, I am so much into it now, and I see loads of guys have shifted to wear cardigan on top of the formal clothes. This cardigan gives a good blend of new look to the old lame one. It will give a defined body line and looks more professional as well. So start wearing one and feel the difference!

Apparently not being a total gender-bias, so let me also tell you,girls you have to equip the cupboard with cropped jacket. This is one of the latest trends of time, and this varies from informal to formal cropped jacket. With a good choice of cropped jacket, ladies now can be proud of their body-line and more define waist-line. Wanted to feel the eyes to gaze at you with glee? Just get one today!

Be in trend and Keep looking great! Do some justice for fashion!